1880 åbnede Omegns Spare- og Laanekasse i Gudhjem,

det var 145 år før åbningen af Gudhjem BANKEN, atelier, galleri, pop-ups

Gudhjem BANKEN “bestyres” af billedkunstner Jo Dam Kærgaard

Gudhjem BANKEN er åben for forslag til galleriet og pop-ups, brug kontakt link

1880 the first bank in Gudhjem opened as the ”Spare- & Laanekasse”

That was 145 years before the bank opened as

Gudhjem BANKEN with studio, gallery and pop-ups

But you can still service yourself at the ATM in the end of the building

The “care keeper” of Gudhjem BANKEN is artist Jo Dam Kaergaard

Gudhjem BANKEN is open for suggestions to the gallery and pop-ups, use the contact link